Evaluation of trace metals in sewage sludge from a wastewater treatment plant with perspective of valorisation
Abstract :The increasing quantities of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants are a great source of worry especially concerning their impact on the environment. Managing such sludge is the basis for a successful general sanitation scheme.
The present work subject matter is the evaluation of pollutants present in the sewage sludge recovered from urban wastewater treatment plant of the town of Boumerdès, Algeria, which is treated wastewater from three (03) towns: Boumerdes – Corso – Tidjelabine. For this study, we followed the evolution of some physical and chemical parameters such as the concentration of trace metals which we have analysed mineralogically through the use of X-ray fluorescence and then compared to the French standard NF U 44-041. The NF U 44-041 standard concerns the reuse of sewage sludge as fertilizer in land application. Several sewage sludge samples have been analysed in the present work.
The analysis of the sewage sludge physical properties has revealed a low percentage of dry matter (total solids) and a high percentage of organic matter. The chemical characterization of the sludge helped to evaluate their pH and polluting power. Overall the pH level of the sludge was approaching neutrality and their concentration in trace metals was below the thresholds defined by the NF U 44-041 standard. Thus, municipal sewage sludge does not represent any danger to the environment that thus can safely be used in agriculture.
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