Toxic effect of surfactants on marine species Mediterranean mussel: Mytilus gallprovinciallis and evaluation of their aquatic toxicology impact by LCA methodology

M. Belkhir, S. Boughrara, H. Boutiche


Abstract:The increase of over 500% in ten years, the use of synthetic detergents explains the high concentrations explain the high concentrations in liquid effluents. Part of these discharges flow without purification in rivers. Which it is interesting to assess the impacts thus generated by such a detergent manufacturing process. In our study we used the tool life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to assess the aquatic toxicology impact of liquid detergent intended multi user. This study needs the use of SimaPro7.1 software and EDIP 2003method.In order to explain aquatic toxicology impact was chosen by selecting a type of marine species Mediterranean mussel Mytilus gallprovinciallis. In our study we determined the toxic effect of anionic surfactants (LAS, AES) characterization of liquid effluents generated by one of the leading Algerian companies in detergents. Comparing the toxicology of two anionic surfactants is obtained after determining the lethal concentrations of fifty percent (LC50) of the individuated simmering with forty-eight hours (48h), Ensuring living conditions (temperature, O2, pH, TH, TA, TAC). In an aquarium. Any and controlling various pollution parameters (BOD5, COD, Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate, Sulfate, Dissolved Oxygen.

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