Recovery of waste from Algerian raw hides and their development in paper industry based on Alfa

S. Smaili, H. Aksas, M. Hachemi


Abstract: The aim of this present work is the valorization of a by-product from the hides and leather industry, Given the nature of these highly polluting wastes and their very large volume, it would be judicious to subtract these wastes from the overall polluting load of environment, to proceed with the recovery the products extracted from this waste and finally perform their recycling in the form of useful products representing commercial value, since they can advantageously replace imported products. Among the numerous possible applications of collagen in the industrial sector, we have opted for its use as a substitute for vegetable resin (imported product), currently used as a binder in paper Industry, especially Alfa-based writing paper. A consequent increase in physico-mechanical characteristics of the Alfa pulps formets in which we have incorporated collagen of 1 and 2% as a gel. Otherwise, it is just possible to use less refined pulps and to obtain the same characteristics of resistance for papers obtained with more refined pulps.


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