Environmental fate of chemicals under reliability tests
Abstract: The aim of this work is to predict biodegradability of complex chemicals pertaining to UVCB(Unknown or Variable composition, i.e. Complex reaction products or Biological materials) used in the oil and gas industry in the Algerian Sahara by internal consistency method to assess the reliability of results. Biodegradability prediction is usually carried out by Quantitative Structure Biodegradability Relationship (QSBR) models. But this method cannot be applied unless molecular structures of chemicals are fully known; this is not the case for UVCB substances. Here we review the clearness that until now, there is uncertainty about the link between biodegradability and the solubility of chemicals. In the present work, we aim to apply reliability test approach to study the existence of a link between these two parameters.The used reliability assessment techniques consist of Split Half Spearman-Brown Prophecy, Split Half Kuder-Richardson KR20 and KR21and Cronbach's Alpha.
The applied reliability test is a non-biased perfect test since we get the same value for the four tested correlation coefficient with the value of 0.6263.This value in the scale range yields questionable test that can be rejected. Therefore, this analysis confirms the statement of the category of scientists who consider the weak Biodegradability-Solubility relationship.Reliability test techniques can be revolutionary in terms of gaining time when executing biodegradability tests and can also be used while dealing with UVCB substances.This is the first attempt to apply state of art reliability test to study the environmental fate of chemicals in general and UVCB substances in particular.
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