Isolation of starch from seven Pearl Millet grain landraces by two processes; wet milling and Ultrasound application
Abstract: The objective of the present work was to add value to seven pearl millet landraces (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br) from south Algeria through isolation of the grain starch using a conventional process: the wet milling, adding sodium azide as a microbial growth inhibitor, and to enhance the yield by evaluation of a new process: Ultrasound-assisted isolation. The effects of pearl millet grain quality and starch isolation process on some properties of the isolated starches were evaluated in terms of yield, recovery, chemical composition, and some starch granules physical properties. The Ultrasound-assisted isolation efficiency was thus evaluated and gave better yields, higher recoveries, and purer starch, with ranges of 30.63-52.65 %, 46-75.70 %, and 91.32-94.58 % respectively, it showed a great potential for pearl millet starch isolation in a short period without generating any alkaline effluent.
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