The appropriate model for estimating global horizontal solar radiation for desert areas (Case study: Adrar, Algeria)

A. Babahadj, L. Rahmani, A. Necaibia, K. Bouchouicha


Abstract: In this paper, 50 typical models are chosen from the literature correlating the monthly average daily global radiation on horizontal surface to select an appropriate model for desert areas of Algeria (Case of study: Adrar). Meteorological data was monitored during to 2013-2017 for the city of Adrar (27.88°N, -0.27°E) at the Research Unit in Renewable Energies in Saharan Medium (URER.MS) Adrar. The maximum and minimum monthly average daily global radiations on the horizontal surface were observed in the whole year which reached 29.22 14.94 To select the relevant model among all the proposed models in the literature review, statistical parameters were used to analyze and evaluate the models and choose which one the most appropriate to the Adrar region. To demonstrate the performance comparison of the models, statistical formulas are used in this study such as: the mean percentage error (MPE), mean bias error (MBE), root mean square error (RMSE), maximum absolute relative error (erMAX), t-statistics (ts), mean absolute error (MAE), coefficient of determination (R2) and mean absolute relative error (MARE) test indicators. To strengthen this study we added another specific global performance indicator (GPI), which is considered as an important dependent and useful parameter. The purpose of this comparison is to seek a convenient and accurate model based on the available meteorological data, which through it can estimate the behavior of the global solar radiation in the Adrar region.

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