Floristic diversity of Tamaricaceae of the northern region of western Algeria: dynamic and biological aspects

N. Belkhodja, A. Sari-Ali, N. Benabadji


Abstract: This study focuses on the floristic procession of the Tamaricaceae in western Algeria. It's a dynamic and physionomic study of these taxa in order to compare the floristic diversity that prevailed in 2004 with that of 2017 and to note the changes recorded during this period, knowing that stationary conditions and ecological factors such as bioclimatic change, anthropogenic action and salinity , can play a major role in the distribution of different species and the establishment of plant groupings. Indeed, biological, morphological and biogeographic types are likely to provide us with valuable information on vegetation dynamics in this northern region of Western Algeria. An exhaustive inventory at two study stations, "Hammam Boughrara" and "Béni-Saf", was carried out, followed by the identification of the species surveyed and a comparison over time. The results obtained bear whitness to Mediterranean elements that represent the most important part of the flora of the Tlemcen region, the other elements are little and / or very little represented with a very low percentage. Analysis of the biological type shows the dominance of therophytes in the study area. This therophytization is due to the salinization of the soils, marked both by the dominance of the fields in this region and the climatic requirements. Analysis of the percentage distribution of families shows that Asteraceae and Poaceae predominate in this region in 2004 and 2017.

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