Valorisation of Coal Mine Tailings in Roads Construction

N. Bella, M. A. Dahane, T. A. Mebarki, A. Benmalek, M. Benallal


Abstract: In this paper, a real scale road was realized and investigated in Kenadsa using coal mine tailings with the cooperation of socio-economic partners (OPGI, private enterprise and municipality of Kenadsa), the optimal dosage of coal mine tailings was determined in laboratory, which lead to acceptable geotechnical characteristics, also leaching tests were realized. In field long time investigation, shows some cracks in the pavement. That cracks was due to local swell at base layer, due to schist particles, which presents a high rate of swelling. The proposed solution is that coal mine tailings must be pre-treated before using as base layer road material, but can be used as it in sub-base or capping layer. Leaching tests results show that the tuff don´t absorbs all pollutants, thus a treatment by hydraulic binders and/or addition of anti-contaminant layer are necessary.

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