Effects of various cultivation methods on clay loam soil proprieties and wheat root in Mediterranean climate

S. Echcherki, M.A. Feddal, R. Labad, A. Yachi


Abstract: The objective of our study is to compare the effect of agricultural soil preparation on the physicomechanical properties of the soil and the consequences on the root system of wheat. To achieve these goals, three technical tillage chains (chain 1: deep tillage, chain 2: agronomic tillage, chain 3: no-tillage), were compared in the same pedoclimatic and historical situations. The experiment was carried out on silty clay soil in the experimental station of the National Higher School of Agronomy (Algiers). 

The results show that the techniques affect soil’s proprieties and the root system differently. The agronomic tillage has the best favorable effect on soil humidity, Bulk density, and soil Penetration resistance (11,1%;50%; 0.6 MPa) (p-value :0,0001). Concerning the roots, the density, the diameter, and length were better when the soil is deeply tilled, non-tilled, or agronomical tilled, respectively (CH1:3.37 g/dm³; CH3:1.38 mm; CH2:12.23 cm). Examining all the results of this study has shown how tillage is reflected in and contributes to the farmer's orientation towards the right choice to optimize and conserve soil and water at the same time. Thus, under this study's experimental conditions, the technical itinerary of tillage with agronomic ploughing seems to be an alternative to conventional ploughing. This method of tillage is easily feasible from a technical point of view. Besides, it can generate economic gains compared to ploughing. However, its impacts on the soil and crop yields need to be studied in the longer term

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