Calculation of water needs of the main crops and water resources available in a semi-arid climate, case of Zana-Gadaïne plain, Northeastern Algeria

H. Belalite, M.R. Menani, A. Athamena


Abstract: The relative scarcity of water resources in Algeria and their unequal distribution induce a rational use of available resources. The Zana-Gadaïne plain appears as an exemplary case study, where the difficulties posed by the problem of crop water needs versus the availability of water resources appear. This article, based on field surveys and in-situ measurements, aims to identify the pressure of irrigation on water resources and the optimization of their use in an agricultural area, where irrigated agriculture represents 85% of the water consumption of the Zana-Gadaïne plain. The piezometric study in correlation with hydrogeological data reveals that groundwater resources are limited, aggravated by wastage resulting in a consequent drawdown of 24 meters over 11 years. The analysis of interannual climate variability has enabled us to draw rainfall maps characteristic of the evolution of rainfall over the past decades where we observe a net deficit in precipitation. We calculated the evapotranspiration and the requirements in irrigation water for each crop in order to compare them with the available hydric resources and the establishment of irrigation schedules for the principal irrigated crops. The analysis of interannual climate variability has enabled us to draw rainfall maps characteristic of the evolution of rainfall over the past decades where we observe a net deficit in precipitation. We calculated the evapotranspiration and the requirements in irrigation water for each crop in order to compare them with the available hydric resources and the establishment of irrigation schedules for the principal irrigated crops.

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