Provisions in NPK elements through litterfall in an oak grove of Quercus ilex L. (east Algeria)
The main objective of this study is to understand the functioning of oak groves of Quercus ilex L. in the Aurès (eastern Algeria), by estimating the quantities of litter and their contribution of N P K elements.
The quantities of litter were evaluated over a period of two years (2012 and 2013) in the oak grove of Larbaa (south of the province of Batna) by the installation, under the cover of trees, of a litter trap. The fallen litters were collected monthly, and then analyzed to measure N, P and K contents. Concerning the used statistical methods, nutrient results were subjected to ANOVA Analysis.
The present research revealed that the studied oak grove received 1.3 to 1.55 tons of total litter per hectare and per year. These litters ensured a supply of the soil in mineral elements N, P and K with quantities varied between 53.34 and 60.40 kg / ha. Contributions were dominated by the nitrogen element, supplied in large quantities by oak leaves.On the other hand, the monthly variation in the amount of litter and their NPK contents was significant, whereas the inter-annual variation was not significant.
This study revealed an important part of biogeochemical cycle of nutrients in the oak grove. Because, it highlights the contributions of litterfall inputs, which is considered as natural fertilizer to enrich the forest soil.Full Text:
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