Analysis of vibration amplitude as a function of excitation frequencies in an existing beam and shell heat exchanger

F. Malki, N. Abdelbaki, A. Hadjadj


This work aims to contribute to understanding the parameters influencing the amplitude of vibrations in the variation of excitation frequencies in a core and shell heat exchanger. Vibrations produced by fluid-structure interaction are typical and originate in the functioning of systems, where they manifest a malfunction but can be a potential source of damage. Shell and tube bundle exchangers in the petroleum industry are constantly exposed to this kind of vibration problem due to Karman vortex force frequencies. For this case study, the natural frequencies of the vacuum tube of 36.993 Hz, or at the extreme operation of 36.927 Hz, can generate vibrations compared to the interaction fluid-elastic instability, which is very low in our case of 0.0608, under flow with a critical operating speed of 734.412 cm/sec.The good vibration program analyzed vibration amplitudes induced by variation of excitation frequencies under license available to the oil company SONATRACH in Arzew. To draw the amplitude profiles for a core and shell heat exchanger existing in this oil refinery, we have integrated into the program all the data specific to this exchanger, and we have imposed different excitation frequency values, with values lower and higher than those specific to the tube.The simulation results showed that the vibration amplitude is low when the excitation frequency values are lower than the natural tube frequency of the case studied; these low amplitudes cause cuts in the beams by the baffles. The amplitude greater than half the distance between the pipes leads to the collision problem. A good distribution of amplitudes and harmonic profile can be observed for frequencies greater than or double the natural frequency of the tube. These vibration amplitudes may be beneficial in creating flow turbulence, which directly influences the exchanger's performance in DTLM, thus reducing the impact of fouling and extending the life of the exchanger. For the frequencies studied, the value exceeding 120 Hz can have a dangerousness impact of 117.6%. We could that the Good Vibrations program, which is very effective in pronouncing  the influence of external and mechanical forces giving vortex frequencies in heat exchangers and analysis of their direct impact on the proper functioning of this essential device in the oil industry. Acoustic vibrations and sound frequencies are not considered in our work

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